Sunday, February 2, 2014

Affadavit for Court Action b/t The Anything Men and Click Property Management

Affidavit of Cathryn Mazer

Name:  Cathryn Mazer
Occupation:  Small Business Owner of Kitty’s Cleaning Services Ltd.

I, Cathryn Mazer, affirm the following:

It has been brought to my attention that Aaron Turner acting as The Anything Men has taken Click Property Management to court for unpaid invoices.  I have had extensive experience with Aaron Turner as a fraudulent operator and would like to state the nature of that experience in support of Click Property Management’s defense.

I met Mr. Turner operating as The Anything Men when we were both performing trade services for Click.  Initially he appeared legitimate but it became clear over time that he is compulsive in his perpetuation of deception and theft.

Initially this arose when, after the damaging of an oven, he and I agreed to split the cost of its repair in thirds with the tenant.  He admitted partial responsibility and committed to assisting in paying for its repair to me and two employees of Click on 30.08.13.   Later this was confirmed by his partner Michelle Chirnside on behalf of The Anything Men.  No monies were ever forthcoming.  Click took responsibility for a portion of the cost and I paid for the rest myself. 

Mr. Turner acting as The Anything Men subcontracted me to do two days of heights hazard window cleaning on 02. & 03.09.2013.   The total cost of my labour was $500.25.  I have never seen a cent of that payment and will require a debt collector to pursue it.

I gave Mr. Turner work at my friend’s bed and breakfast The Claremont House.  He under performed and was terminated.  Before he left however he adopted the address of The Claremont House, 24 Melrose St, as his business address.  It took a great deal of writing to the Companies Office to get this reversed.  It was displayed on their website as his office address for at least two months.  He also was lent a van by another tradesperson, Marcus Nicolau, for up to seven days during that time.  He kept the van and stopped returning our calls.  The van was ultimately recovered about 30 days later by Dunedin police.

Aaron also had a penchant for wild stories.  He told me he was orphaned at age 3 and raised in homes for boys.  He claimed his father was an American.  He described travelling the world as a jockey and having lunch with Johnny Cash.  He loved to tell and retell a story of being interviewed by CNN while in the military shooting rebels in Africa. 

When attempting to track down Marcus’s van, my labour costs, and correct the falsification of his business address I reached out to some people on facebook that looked like they might be his relatives.  He had said he had no family in New Zealand but I began to think otherwise.

A couple of them, his aunt and his brother, got back to me.  I will attach their responses here.  Each confirmed that Aaron has living parents and a good deal of family in New Zealand.  Essentially they both reported that he has a long record of theft against both family and the public.  His brother was particularly emphatic that he views Aaron as a threat to society.

I have to agree with him.

Mr. Turner is one of the few people I’ve met in my lifetime of 39 years who is utterly and totally capable of delving into deep fabrication while making eye contact and maintaining a relaxed body posture.  Most people have some level of tell in their body language but this is not my experience with Aaron.  He is a confident liar and enjoys gaining the confidence of others in order to exploit them financially, logistically, and emotionally. 

He also appears to experience no regret around the willful damage he inflicts on others and generally portrays himself as a victim.

Regarding my trade relationship with Click Property Management; I have worked with Click on and off over the past year in facilitating cleaning services for their managed properties.  While we have had our peaks and valleys I have never had any issue being paid by them.  Andrew and Andrea Elliott and the other employees of Click Property Management have always been straight forward with me in our dealings.  They have always been honest both in their self representation and in delivering prompt payment.

I authorise Click Property Management to use this statement on their behalf.

Cathryn Mazer

Sworn and subscribed in my presence under the oath of the law



Thursday, December 12, 2013

*BEWARE* The Anything Men Ltd. 'Special Offers' on TreatMe & Other Discounting Sites

On TreatMe Right Now 
- Buyer Beware 
- High Probability of $ For Nothing (but grief)

BEWARE The Anything Men Ltd Will Take Your $$$ for Nothing


Aaron Turner operating as The Anything Men will:

- Take $$$ for work that never gets done
- Do 'handyman' work that is unnecessary or destructive to the property
- 'Borrow' personal items indefinitely
- Promise labour that never shows up
- Hire labour that doesn't get paid
- Engage in deception with extensive detailed fictions
- Look you in the eye the whole time he's grifting you